Saturday, April 29, 2006

Kanji 201 - 202

200 kanji already covered! Probably only learnt 5 though :-)
So here goes for another 2 kanji...

チ Place
お・く to put, place

タイ Lend
か・す to lend, loan, rent

定置 てい・ち Fixed
位置 い・ち Position, place
金貸し かね・か・し Money lender
貸間 かし・ま Room for rent
貸家 かし・や House for rent


At 10:11 am , Blogger Dave Hoggan said...

Lend is an A2 kanji? I remember it from JLPT3. Mate, we'll so pass the JLPT3 exam.

At 12:35 pm , Blogger Matt Price said...

Aye, there's quite a few 'easy' ones in there that I recognise... more to follow!


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