Sunday, April 30, 2006

Kanji 203 - 206

Yes that's right, I'm upping the kanji intake to 4 a day. I know, almost as crazy Riggs from Lethal Weapon...

ネン Thoughts

ショ First
はじ・め、はじ・めて、はつ beginning, for the first time, the first

ゲイ Art

ダイ、テイ、で Younger brother

疑念 ぎ・ねん Doubt, suspicion
悪念 あく・ねん Bad thought, malicious motive
本初 ほん・しょ Beginning, origin
出初 でぞ・め Debut
芸者 げい・しゃ Geisha
芸人 げい・にん Player, performer, actor
兄弟 きょう・だい Brothers and sisters, siblings
門弟 もん・てい Disciple, pupil, follower


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