Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Kanji 119 - 120

ネン Thoughts

ケイ Connect, person in charge
かか:る to affect
かか:わる to be involved

Monday, February 27, 2006

Kanji 117 - 118

ヨ Plan

テイ Low
ひく:い Low, short (stature)

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Kanji 115 - 116

レン Love
こ:う、こ:い、こ:いしい to love, passion, beloved

ゴウ Combine, fit
あ:う to fit, to suit

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Kanji 113 - 114

ブツ、フツ Buddha, France

つ:ける to attach

Friday, February 24, 2006

Kanji 111 - 112

スイ Blow

ヒン Article

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Kanji 109 - 110

クン Ruler, familiar title to address friends
きみ You (can be used to talk down to someone)

コク Notify
つ:げる To tell, inform, let know

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Kanji 107 - 108

These kanji are coming straight from the syllabus, so they're completely random in terms of meanings, although they will from time to time contain the same radical. Just thought I'd explain the 'crazy' kanji that have been used since #90 so far!

レキ Personal history

ハク Extensive (knowledge), wide (learning), well-informed etc...

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Kanji 105 - 106

サン,シン Participate, visit a holy place
まい:る Go, come [humble], go and do return to the point of departure

ノウ Ability

Monday, February 20, 2006

Kanji 104 - 105

イ Medicine, doctor

チョク、ジキ、ジカ Straight
なお:す, なお:る  Fix, repair, heal

Note: 直す is the transitive verb 'to fix something', whereas 直る is the intransitive version, meaning 'to heal'. Both these verbs should only be used for objects. Obviously there is another pair of verbs to fix/heal the body - but that kanji will have to wait for another day :-(

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Kanji 102 - 103

Couple more for Sunday... 24/7, open all hours, we never close - that's 2kanjiaday!

ジュウ、チョウ Heavy, weight
おも:い、おも:り、かさ:ねる、かさ:なる Duplicate, pile up

ねが:う Wish, desire, hope for, pray

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Kanji 100 - 101

Wow! Actually managed to reach it to 100 kanji. Impressed eh?

O:しつ Lose, slip
K:うしな:う To lose, to miss

O:せい、しょう Ministry, government office
K:かえり:みる Introspect
はぶ:く To leave out, omit

Friday, February 17, 2006

Kanji 98 - 99

O:ひつ Without fail, certainly, surely
K:かなら:す Without fail

O:きゅう Long duration
K:ひさ:しい Long time, long standing
(久しぶりに Long time no see)

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Kanji 96 - 97

O:か Fruit

O:ひょう Surface, table/list (written)
K:あらわ:す Express

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Kanji 94 - 95

O:しん Report
K:もう(す) Speak humbly

O:いん Mark, seal
K:しるし Mark, sign


ダイブーさんは 新日本語の'blog'を始めていました。

ganbatte kudasai


It sucks, at least I can catch up with the blogging and add some new kanji!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Kanji 92 - 93

More A2 kanji... 怖い (scary)

K:よし Reason, ground, cause

O:し History

Monday, February 13, 2006

Kanji 90 - 91

Right, I've finally got the motivation to start listing the A2 kanji (#401 - 600 in the syllabus). I've been putting this off simply because I still don't know all of the AS kanji :-( Starting today, I'm going to list the kanji straight out of the syllabus, whilst mixing in any useful kanji that are picked up in class!

がんばって! Game on!

O: か -able, -ible, possible, approve

O:あく お
K:わる(い) bad

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Kanji 88 - 89

Couple more randoms for today...

な:く To cry

ぜんぶ All

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Kanji 86 - 87

か:りる To borrow

か:す To lend, to rent

Friday, February 10, 2006

Kanji 84 - 85

りょうしん Both parents

きょうだい Brothers and sisters

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Kanji 82 - 83

Two kanji from this evenings class...

いっしょに Together


ちょうど Just

Technically that's 3 kanji for today! I'll start on the A2 syllabus shortly, if someone's willing to help ;-)

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Kanji 80 - 81

I know it sounds strange, but I'm actually struggling to come up with 2 new kanji each day. I guess it's because I'm trying to stick to kanji that are on the syllabus, as well as trying to only use those words that use 1 kanji... I think I'm just going to start listing the kanji together with the onyomi & kunyomi readings, and maybe an example or two.

Anyways, here're two for today.

じつ Real


たと:えば Example

The old imagination has gone for this evening!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Kanji 78 -79

Two うん verbs for today:-

うんどう:する To do exercise/to hit the weights/to train etc...

うんてん:する To drive (a car, I think!)

Monday, February 06, 2006

Kanji 76 - 77

Two quick ones for today.


ただ:しい Correct


ちが:った Incorrect

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Kanji 74 - 75

お:とす To lose


え:る To gain

You may notice that 落とす was mentioned in some of the class notes from last week, also meaning to drop or fall... makes sense I guess!

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Kanji 72 - 73

のる To ride/to get on

お:りる To alight/to get off

Friday, February 03, 2006

Kanji 69 - 71

Some work related kanji for today...

かいしゃ Company

しごと Work (as in the noun, i.e. I went to work:仕事に行きました。
we can also use the verb 仕事する to do work)


はたら:く To work

Any others??

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Kanji 67 - 68

Couple more kanji from Tuesdays lesson.

お:く To put

たの:む To request/to ask for

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


As promised here are some notes from last nights class...

Some new verbs

さと:る To realise

き:る To wear
but the same kanji may be used。。。
つ:く To arrive

ぬ:ぐ To take off (clothes)

はく To put on/to wear (below the waist)
e.g. ズボンをはく To put the trousers on


Now we're gonna look at やさい/にくい with some more (bleak!) verbs:


お:とす To drop something
落としやすい Easy to drop something
落としにくい Difficult to drop something
Note: This is the transitive form, meaning that the subject of the sentence was dropped by someone/something. The intransitive form 'something drops' which is without help from an external source, is 落ちる - お:ちる)

ころ:ぶ To fall down
転びやすい Easy to fall down
転びにくい Difficult to fall down

すべる To slide/to slip
すべりやすい Easy to slip
すべりにくい Difficult to slip

し:ぬ To die
死にやすい Easy to die
死ににくい Difficult to die


ころ:す To murder
殺やすい Easy to murder
殺しにくい Difficult to murder

めすむ To steal something
めすみやすい Easy to steal something
めすみにくい Difficult to steal something

ける To kick
けりやすい Easy to kick
けりにくい Difficult to kick

さ:す To prick
刺しやすい Easy to prick
刺しにくい Difficult to prick

Kanji 65 - 66

A couple of kanji from last nights lesson. Number 1 is especially useful I thought!

さと:る To realise

えら:ぶ To choose/to select

I'll try and update with some notes from last nights class.