Sunday, April 30, 2006

Kanji 203 - 206

Yes that's right, I'm upping the kanji intake to 4 a day. I know, almost as crazy Riggs from Lethal Weapon...

ネン Thoughts

ショ First
はじ・め、はじ・めて、はつ beginning, for the first time, the first

ゲイ Art

ダイ、テイ、で Younger brother

疑念 ぎ・ねん Doubt, suspicion
悪念 あく・ねん Bad thought, malicious motive
本初 ほん・しょ Beginning, origin
出初 でぞ・め Debut
芸者 げい・しゃ Geisha
芸人 げい・にん Player, performer, actor
兄弟 きょう・だい Brothers and sisters, siblings
門弟 もん・てい Disciple, pupil, follower

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Kanji 201 - 202

200 kanji already covered! Probably only learnt 5 though :-)
So here goes for another 2 kanji...

チ Place
お・く to put, place

タイ Lend
か・す to lend, loan, rent

定置 てい・ち Fixed
位置 い・ち Position, place
金貸し かね・か・し Money lender
貸間 かし・ま Room for rent
貸家 かし・や House for rent

Friday, April 28, 2006

Kanji 199 - 200

カイ、エ Picture

ヒ Compare
くら・べる to compare, contrast

絵画館 かい・が・かん picture gallery
絵図 え・ず illustration, drawing
絵物語 え・もの・がたり illustrated story
百分比 ひゃく・ぶん・ひ percentage

can't find any others that are suitable!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Kanji 197 - 198

カン Ring, surround

タン Short, brief

金環 きん・かん Gold ring
環海 かん・かい Surrounding seas, surrounded by seas
環指 かん・し Ring finger
最短 さい・たん shortest
短信 たん・しん brief note
短大生 たん・だい・せい junior college student

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Kanji 195 - 196

ヤク Promise, contract, approximately

リュウ、ル Keep, stay
と・める keep in place, retain

口約 こう・やく Verbal promise
成約 せい・やく Conclusion of a contract
予約席 よ・やく・せき Reserved seat
約そくする やく・そくする to promise
予約する よ・やく・する to reserve
留め置く と・め・お・く to detain, to keep, to lock up, to retain
留守 る・す absence, beign away from home

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Kanji 193 - 194

ム Dream

とく Special

悪夢 あく・む Nightmare
甘夢 かん・む Sweet (pleasant) dreams
白昼夢 はく・ちゅう・む Day dream
特色 とく・しょく characteristic, feature
特選 とく・せん specially selected, choice
特売 とく・ばい special sale

Monday, April 24, 2006

Kanji 191 - 192

ナン Difficult
むずか・しい、かた・い difficult, troublesome, hard

キョウ Mirror, optical instrument

後難 こう・なん future problems
受難 じゅ・なん suffering, agony, passion
急難 きゅう・なん sudden or unexpected disaster
円鏡 えん・きょう round mirror
眼鏡 め・がね glasses
Not sure about the above one, which bit is 'mirror'... can someone help?

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Kanji 189- 190

サイ Festival
まつ・る、まつ・り to worship as God; enshrine, feast day

セキ、シャク、コク Stone
いし stone, small rock, pebble

映画祭 えい・が・さい Film festival
前夜祭 ぜん・や・さい Christmas eve, the eve of the festival
年祭 ねん・さい Anniversary
小石 こ・いし pebble
歯石 し・せき tartar, build up of calculus

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Kanji 187 - 188

Two more kanji for this beautiful Saturday...

はた、はたけ Field

セン Choose
えら・ぶ to choose, prefer, select

花畑 はな・ばたけ flower bed
畑を作る はたけ・を・つく・る to farm, to cultivate a field
畑地 はた・ち farm land
公選 こう・せん public election
選に入る せん・に・はい・る to be selected, to be chosen
選集 せん・しゅう selection

Friday, April 21, 2006

Kanji 185 - 186

ム、ブ Without, nothing
な・い there is no, do not exist

フ Float
う・く rise to the surface

浮き上げる う・き・あ・げる to rise to the surface
浮気者 う・わき・もの unfaithful person, adulterer
...can't find any others that are suitable!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Kanji 183 - 184

シ Stop
と・まる、や・める  come to a stop, stop (performing an action)

オン Warm
あたた・かい、あたた・まる Warm, warm oneself

取り止める とり・や・める to cancel, to call off
立ち止まる た・ち・ど・まる to stop, to halt, to stand still
海水温 かい・すい・おん seawater temperature
室温 しつ・おん room temperature
温泉 おん・せん spa, hot spring, onsen

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Kanji 181 - 182

ホウ Law, method

ソウ、ショウ Phase, mutual, minister
あいー each other, together, mutual(ly)

英文法 えい・ぶん・ぽう English grammar
慣習法 かん・しゅう・ほう Common law
外国法 がい・ごく・ほう Foreign law
海相 かい・しょう Navy minister
三相 さん・そう Three phases
相違なく そう・い・なく Certainly, surely

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Kanji 179 - 180

リン Forest
はやし thick woods, groove

エイ Swim
およ・ぐ to swim

雨林 う・りん Rain forest
竹林 ちく・りん Bamboo thicket
林道 りん・どう path through forest, woodland path
力泳 りき・えい Powerful swimming
泳ぎ方 およ・ぎ・かた Way of swimming
水泳着 すい・えい・ぎ Swim wear

Monday, April 17, 2006

Kanji 177 - 178

ケイ Scene

イン Dark, dim

海景 かい・けい Seascape
実景 じ・っけい Actual view
風景 ふう・けい Scenary
明暗 めい・あん Light and darkness, light and shade
暗い色 くら・い・いろ Dark colour
暗雲 あん・うん Dark clouds

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Kanji 175 - 176

I turned the big two six yesterday, hence the lack of kanji. Today we're back on with the kanji...

サク Yesterday, last

セイ、ショウ Star

昨夏   さく・か    Last summer
昨今   さ・っこん    Nowadays, recently
昨年来 さく・れん・らい  Since last year

星学   せい・がく    Astronomy
星型   ほし・がた Star shaped, pentagram
星宿   せい・しゅく   Constellation

Photos of my All Japan tour 2006!

Check the blog here

Friday, April 14, 2006

Kanji 173 - 174

Two more kanji for Good Friday...

ジュ Confer, teach, instruct
さず・ける to give, to hand over

ショウ Luminous

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Kanji 171 - 172

ギョ、ご General honorific term
お、おん honorific prefix

バツ Pull out, stand out
め・く、めけ・る pull out, leave out

Wednesday, April 12, 2006



咲く さ・く to flower

桜 さくら spring blossom flower
散る ち・る to fall (mainly associated with flowers falling from branches etc...)

Ending and beginning an action:
base 2 + 初める (はじ・める) = beginning the action
base 2 + 終わる (お・わる) = ending the action

Note the kanji used for begin. It is not 始める

To start flowering

When Matt arrived in Tokyo, the sakura had started flowering, but when Matt returned to Tokyo, the sakura had finished flowering.

Or, we can switch the ending to something more natural sounding...
the spring blossom had started falling

Notes on the above:
  1. To specify 'when', use the past tense of the action, followed by 時 (とき). いつ is only used when asking questions.
  2. To state 'returning to a place where you started from', use 帰ってきた, literally 'return and came' I guess (!)
To say 'at first' or 'beginning' we can use 最初 さい・しょ

Now onto something completely different...
whilst doing ながら or 間に (あいだ・に)


Rule: event A 間に/ながら event B

There is a difference between ながら and 間に though...
Use 間に when event B takes a shorter time than event A. For example...

英語を見ている間にお茶を飲みます Whilst watching a film, I drink tea
仕事に運転しているながらラジオを聞きます Whilst driving to work, I listen to the radio

宿題:P184 元気II
P191 元気II Difference between てあります and おきます
P192 元気II Use of 間に. President and chauffeur

Kanji 169 - 170

ダ Strike
う・つ strike, hit, beat

ひ Criticise

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Kanji 167 - 168

Two more for today, taken straight from the syllabus...

ダン Cut off, resolve
た・つ; ことわ・る cut off, sever; refuse, reject

エキ、イ Easy, exchange
やさ・しい、やす・い easy, simple

Monday, April 10, 2006

Kanji 165 - 166

As per Kenjis advice, I'm going to try and add examples of each kanji's usage. Apparently this will make them easy to remember or something. Any volunteers for helping out with examples??

タイ、ツイ Opposite, oppose

カン Habitual practice
な・れる、なら・す get used to, be experienced in

I'm back baby!

2kanji a day is back on full steam! After a brief 3 week absence, due to a trip to Japan, we now need to get on with a rigorous training programme for the exam on 9th June.

Pictures of the 2006全部の日本の観光旅行 (All Japan tour 2006) will be added shortly...